Saturday, July 23, 2011

Quick first day recap from Chris

Well, we made it to Antigua (Common Hope) alive and well. It was a very easy travel day, if I can speak for the group. Yes, it was a long day, but everything went off without a hitch. Two flights, a short layover, and a 1-hour shuttle ride and we arrived in Antigua. Lys, our guide from Common Hope, met us at the airport then treated us to a nice, refreshing lunch in Antigua. Most enjoyed the smoothies and guacamole. I, myself, went with the cappuccino instead of a smoothie and was not disappointed.

As I'm writing, Mitch, Andrea and I are sitting in the open air common area adjacent to our dorm rooms. The facility is amazing Ð very relaxing and comfortable. WeÕre just chillin' out tonight getting ourselves rested and ready for what should be a busy day tomorrow.

I've totally enjoyed seeing how my daughter Sammie is reacting to everything. She has had a smile plastered to her face most of the day. I can tell that she is feeling this experience in a deep way. And it's only day one! It was funny to see her point out things she's never seen before Ð a banana tree, an avocado tree, a gecko on the side of our building. She loves the mountains, too and the volcanoes nearby. It's been a little cloudy since we arrived so we haven't yet had a chance to see the very tops of the volcanoes.

Well, tomorrow should be a great day. We're visiting a Mayan ruins site, I think we'll be taking in a Sunday market in a small village, then we'll be exploring the city of Antigua in the afternoon. We'll put on our walking shoes and experience it all!

1 comment:

benbro said...

Great to hear you arrived safely. Have a great day learning about the past. I love you mom from Reese & Garrett.