We started the trip by waking up at 3:00 am, which was terrible. Our plane left at 6:00 am and it was a three and a half hour flight to Miami. We had a two hour layover at Miami where we ate some Chinese and walked around. Our flight to Honduras was a two hour flight and the airport in Honduras was smaller compared to the ones in the US.
We soon found out what the weather in Honduras is like when we stepped out of the airport: hot and sticky. Fifteen kids from the Hogar joined us one the three bus ride to Comayagua from San Pedro Sula. An hour into the bus ride, we stopped at an open air market and bought bananas, pineapples, and a papaya we named Larry.
We arrived at the Hotel Quan in Comayagua and then went to dinner at a Chinese restaurant that was delicious. We packed up the extra food and brought it with us to the Hogar the next day. We went back to the Hotel to swim and watch TV.
Today (Sunday) we woke up and ate a delicious pancake breakfast. We then took a bus to the Hogar where we proceeded to make many friends as soon as we stepped off the bus. All the kids were very excited to see us and were all over us for the rest of the day. We got a formal tour of the Hogar and we could see how the Hogar has been improving over the last twenty years.
We walked to dinner at a local barbeque joint and enjoyed the great Honduran food. On our way home, we had our first Honduran riding experience. We had sixteen people jammed into a five person pickup.
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