Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Rose Leapaldt

December 31 New Years Eve. Today we began our day at 7:15 and visited a tortilla factory in Via San Antonio. They made 16,000 tortillas today rather than the average 8,000 due to the holiday. Next, we visited an outdoor market where various goods and foods were sold. We arruved at the Hogar about 9:30 and began our jobs. I helped complete the Pre-K room by applying a second coat of chalk board paint to the lower part of two walls. We all did hand prints along the boarders along with all the nursery school children. The room looks fantastic, bright and cheery. John B. began building 6 large shelving units and the girls plus some volunteer kids painted each a different color. This room will provide the kids with a wonderful learning enviornment inwhich to attend school.

In the afternoon, I taught a class in stamping. I had two helpers but the kids were very busy and it was a crazy class to say the least! At one point, I saw a little boy paint a girl's hair, another
4 year old grab the roller and take off, two little girls arguing and throwing things, and on and I think I would rethink this painting activity before ever attempting it with such young kids.

Tonight, we will have a wonderful meal and celebrate New Year's Eve. at the Hogar with all the children. They have a program planned for us and have been setting up a stage with flowers and
other fun things.

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