Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Back in Honduras!

Being back here is amazing. My first encounter with the kids was very overwhelming and emotional. I was scared that i wouldn't remember all of the names...i was right. I love seeing the kids with the legacy group. they just LOVE them! I could write forever about our experiences, but there is one story that i would like to share.

When i was down here last year, my mom wanted to come and visit so badly but was unable to. She asked me to pick out a kid for her to sponsor that i was close to, and who i thought would be a good fit for her. I chose a little girl named Demaris. She is beautiful inside and out. She is 8 years old and has three sisters and one brother with her here at the hogar. She follows me around like a puppy dog. I have been communicating with my mom and Demaris about each other for over a year. There were finally able to meet on this trip! I arrived on Friday night without the group, and the first thing Demaris asked me was about her "mardrina", which means godmother. I told her that she would be here Sunday morning and would have all week with her. I could see the look of excitement in her eyes. on Sunday i arrived to the hogar after the group was already there. i walked through the gates and Wendy, Demaris little sister, came and got me. "Your mom is here", she said. "She is with Demaris, come and see!" I walked over and saw the Demaris on my mom's lap. I couldn't help the tears. This little girl was finally able to meet her "madrina" who she thinks about about constantly. And my mom was finally able to meet the little girl she supports and loves from a long distance. For the first time they were able to hug each other and say "i love you". Bringing these two together means the world to me! Only about a third of the kids get to meet their madrinas. Obviously this is a special one for me. The last few days we have been able to spend lots of time together. The three of us have sat down i have translated their conversations. It is an honor to do so! Well, back to the kids. I am off to play uno with Demaris and my mom. More later...hasta luego!


1 comment:

Sra. Rosales said...

Sara -
Your story brought tears to my eyes! You rock girl! We should definately tell more people to try and become "madrinas" here in Minnesota right?
I'm sure you are really enjoying your time and it must make it even more special that your mom can be with you this time. How is Marcela?